Comfort Techniques
A doula uses non-medical techniques to help mom cope with the intensity of labor. During prenatal visits we practice different methods to find what works for you, including:
- Movement and position changes
- Deep relaxation, hypnosis, or birth meditation
- Aromatherapy
- Acupressure
- Massage Therapy
- Hydrotherapy
- TENS Unit
A TENS Unit is a small, hand-held device that emits an electronic pulse. It is connected to four stimulating pads that are placed strategically on your back. The stimulation from a TENS unit works to reduce the pain of labor in two ways:
Endorphin Production
First, the light electrical stimulation encourages endorphin production - especially when the stimulation is pulsed, not continuous.
Gate Control Theory
Second, it overrides some of the discomfort of contractions by "getting to the brain faster." The Gate Control theory of pain says, basically: which ever stimulus gets there first wins. Pain travels slowly (along unmyelinated neurons). Pleasant sensations, like massage, aromatherapy, loving words, and the electronic stimulation from a TENS unit, travel more quickly (along myelinated neurons) and get to your brain faster than the sensations of contractions.
So the stimulation (especially continuous stimulation) from a TENS unit is perceived before the discomfort of labor pain, so your brain registers the discomfort less than it otherwise would.
TENS units are a standard of care in maternity wards throughout Europe, Canada, and Australia. A small group of women, including doulas, midwives, and childbirth educators, are working to promote their use in the United States.
If you are interested in learning more, trying one out, renting one ($35), or purchasing one ($120), feel free to contact me.